
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Iron Man #6 or How my mother guilted me out of buying Iron Man #1 30+ years ago.

To be honest growing up I was a DC guy.  I loved the JLA, and all the individual heroes.  That probably had to do with really liking the Super Friends.  But the one Marvel character I always loved was Iron Man.  I was never into Spider-man and even though I got into reading Spidey, I still don't consider myself a fan (gasp).  I managed to get into X-men only because the owner of the comic shop I went too gave me some sage advise,  "Buy X-men they always go up in value."  He was right at least for the bronze and silver age stuff.  I dug Fantastic Four and the Avengers, but I was never a big collector early on.  

But this post is about the featured comic.  Iron Man #6.  She's a real looker.  That spine is almost defect free.  Sure there are few minor issues, but overall it's one of my favorite books that I own.  I can remember saving my money up.  Mostly birthday and Christmas, but I also had a newspaper route and I would pocket my lunch money.  I had been eyeing a copy of Iron Man #1 at the Comic Book Shop, which I talked about last post.  It wasn't in the best shape, but still a decent copy, but Brad had it priced around $50 bucks.  That's big money to a 12 year old in the 80's.  

Let me back up to recent times first on how I ended up not walking out of that shop with one of my holy grails.  Last April I went down to Wisconsin to visit my folks.  I still have a large pile of comics boxed up in their basement and I've been devising a plan to get them up to me in Alaska.  Anyways over a couple drinks my mother recalls when I ended up buying issue #6 here.  If I remember I paid $15 for it back in the mid-80's.  This is why you don't take your mother to the comic shop, but a rides a ride.  Anyway time warp back to 1986 or 87 and I'm ready to buy issue #1.  I've saved for this.  My mother doesn't understand why I would want to pay so much for a comic book when there are plenty of good comics in the quarter boxes and new comics only cost 75 cents.  In the end her guilt made me pull back and I still ended up walking out of the shop with a silver age Iron Man just not #1.  And she still gave me crap for spending $15 bucks on that #6.


  1. Great looking cover! At least you have someone to blame. When it comes to second guessing purchases, 99% of the time I'm my biggest enemy.

  2. It's funny because my mom has always been the complete opposite when it comes to the occasional big purchase. She has always encouraged me to go for it, because "you never know when you'll get another chance at it". Like Fuji though, as I have gotten older, I tend to second guess just about everything.
